Loan application form Komoder LTD

Before beginning your application, please tick to show you have read and understood the following information:

Before Beginning

There are risks involved in taking out a loan and you should ensure you can make all payments on time and in full; failure to do so can lead to financial difficulties and have a negative impact on your credit score.
Ideal4Finance may receive a commission from our lenders, up to 2% of the value of your loan, upon completion.
This application must be completed by yourself only.

Minimum Requirements

You are aged between 18 – 75, and a permanent UK resident with 3 years address history.
You are employed, self-employed or retired with a gross annual income more than £5000.
You have a Bank or Building Society account with a Direct Debit facility.
You are not currently bankrupt, subject to an IVA, or have any CCJs.


I understand the information I am about to supply will be used to make decisions on my credit application including checks to confirm my income, and that my personal data will be shared with lenders and selected third parties, including Credit Reference Agencies, as part of the application process.
I confirm that the information supplied in this application is true, and that I am not aware of any potential changes to my financial circumstances now or during the term of this loan.
I understand that before I sign any loan agreement I will review all loan documentation provided, including the amount I am borrowing, the interest rate (where applicable) and my monthly repayments. I will consider this information and only proceed if the loan is affordable.
I understand that upon completion of the credit application, a search will be conducted with the credit reference agency of my credit file, which includes the use of both public and shared data.